The Space is a free Christian run cafe which runs from 2-5.30pm every Saturday during term time. We welcome people of every race, religion and background whether you want to join in, in the discussion corner, curl up on some cushions with a good book or crack on with some studying fuelled with free tea and cake!

Monday, 12 September 2011

A Taste of Things to Come...

Toffee Apple Cake

If you enjoy baking, this is a cheap and cheerful way to use up some of the fallen apples this autumn. But fear-not bake-o-phobes, you can try this one, without any of the hassle, at The Space on October 15th 2011.


2 large eggs
1tsp vanilla essence
220g self-raising flour
100g caster sugar
50g melted (but not boiling!) butter
3 medium apples

1/2 packet of Sainsbury's basics toffees
15g butter
2 tbsp cream (a little whole milk would probably also work)


Heat the oven to 190C/170C fan and grease and line a cake tin. Peel the apples and either thinly slice (for bursts of appley-ness) or grate - at little lemon juice will prevent the apples browning until you need them.

Whisk the eggs and set aside. Use a large bowl to stir together the flour and sugar, gradually beat in the egg. Stir in the apple and melted butter. The mixture will be quite stiff because the apples release a lot of moisture during cooking.

Scrape into the prepared tin and bake for around 30 mins or until cooked through.

To make the toffee sauce, gently melt the extra butter and toffees together, stirring to prevent burning. When completely melted, take off the heat and stir in the cream. Drizzle evenly over the cake and either leave to cool or dig in straight away, it's great warm with vanilla ice cream.


Saturday, 10 September 2011


Welcome to post number one of The Space cafe online. At the time of writing the cafe exists only as a blog and a scribbly list of ideas currently on my bedside table. But come October 2011 we will be up and running, handing out FREE tea, coffee and cake to the lovely students of Bristol! 

Every Saturday during termtime in the Alma church hall (behind Clifton down Sainsbury's) along with free refreshments we will provide space to relax, chat and study. We'll also have occasional evening events and I'll be updating the blog regularly with recipes, news and discussion topics. 

Every week I'll be suggesting a topic of discussion and encourage you - whatever your religion, background or opinions - to join in (entirely optional, you are equally welcome to curl up in the corner by yourself with a good book). I make no secret of my Christian faith and hope you will be equally up front about your views. We want to get you guys really thinking and challenging each other, in an environment of mutual respect and lots of FREE cake. 

See you all soon! 
Bryony x x x