Just looking at this cake will make you feel that happy I've-eaten-my-own-body-weight-in-jelly-and-jumped-on-a-bouncy-castle-and-am-going-to-vomit-in-the-car-on-the-way-home feeling.
- Butter x lots
- Chocolate x more lots
- Packet chocolate fingers x 2
- Bags smarties x 2
Beat together the softened butter, sugar and eggs, fold in the melted chocolate. Fold in the sifted flour. If the batter is too thick add a little milk, if too runny add a little extra flour. Bake in three well greased small cake tins at 170C.
Melt lots of chocolate and beat in the butter till melted. Its a bit of trail and error as to how buttery/chocolatey you like and hoe much you need.
Once cooled, slap the butter cream in between the layers and all over the cake. Stick chocolate fingers all around the edge of the cake and then fill with smarties.
Proceed with caution.