The Space is a free Christian run cafe which runs from 2-5.30pm every Saturday during term time. We welcome people of every race, religion and background whether you want to join in, in the discussion corner, curl up on some cushions with a good book or crack on with some studying fuelled with free tea and cake!

Thursday 17 November 2011

Black Forest Cupcakes

The Space will be back this Saturday with lots of lovely cakes on offer including the very decidant Black Forest Cupcakes!
- Cherry jam
- Half a tin of cherries chopped
- 115g self raising flour
- 1tbsp cocoa powder
- 115g softened butter
- 2 large eggs, lightly beaten
- 55g dark chocolate melted over simmering water
- Whipped cream
Preheat oven to 180C. Sift the flour, and cocoa powder together. Add the butter, eggs and caster sugar beat together with an electric whisk. Fold in the melted chocolate and chopped cherries. Put one large blob into each cupcake case, follow with a teaspoon blob of jam and top with another blob of the mixture. Bake for around 20mins. Once cooled pipe or blob on whipped cream.

Wednesday 9 November 2011

NO CAFE - Sat 12th November

Please be aware there is no cafe this coming Saturday as there is a wedding (woo!) in Alma church. The Space will be open again on Saturday 19th with lots of the usual goodies on offer.

Taste of Italy

Two delicious recipes for you this week cappuccino cake and lemon drizzle. Okay so lemon drizzle is an English favourite but the lovely cirusyness always reminds me of the Mediterranean...

Cappuccino cake (we discovered this works brilliantly as a loaf or large cake but not as cup cakes!)

1tsp cocoa powder
2 tbsp instant coffee granules
225g melted butter
225g caster sugar
225g self raising flour
1tsp baking powder

Add a little hot water to the coffee and cocoa to make a thin paste then literally dump everything into a large bowl and whisk with an electric blender until well combined. Bake in a preheated oven at 180C for around 35minutes, cool before adding the frosting...
100g white chocolate
50g butter
3tbsp milk
175g icing sugar
Melt chocolate butter and milk together in a bowl set over a pan of simmering water, once melted beat in the sifted icing sugar gradually until you have a smooth paste, spread over the cake and chill. Dust with cocoa powder before serving.

Lemon Drizzle

175g butter
175g caster sugar
3 eggs
175g self raising flour
1 tsp baking powder
Finely grated zest of 2 lemons

Another easy one, just whiz everything together until smooth and bake at 170C for around 25-30 minutes until a knife comes out clean, pour over the drizzle whilst still warm...

Approximately 4tbsps of lemon juice
70g caster sugar
Zest of one lemon
Gently heat together in a pan but do not allow the mixture to boil or the sugar will burn, you should see the mixture starting to thicken a little and cling to the back of the spoon when all the sugar has all melted, don't let it get too syrupy or the pan will be a nightmare to wash up!!