The Space is a free Christian run cafe which runs from 2-5.30pm every Saturday during term time. We welcome people of every race, religion and background whether you want to join in, in the discussion corner, curl up on some cushions with a good book or crack on with some studying fuelled with free tea and cake!

Monday, 17 October 2011

Nom nom nom...

Gluten free Peanut butter cookies

1 cup of peanut butter
1 cup of caster sugar
1 egg

Cream it all together, using a teaspoon blob on a well grease and lined tray (I learnt to my peril that this part is particularly important!) Whack them in the oven at 180oC for 10 minutes and that's all there is too it really, giving you plenty of time to try....

Chocolate chunk flapjacks

330g oats
200g melted butter
Approx 6 table spoons golden syrup
150g chocolate broken into chunks or chips

Coat the oats in the melted butter, stir in the chocolate followed by enough golden syrup so that the oats mostly hold together. tip the lot into a greased/lined tin and spread evenly, squash the mixture down using the back of a wet mettle spoon. Bake at 180oC for around 25mins, golden brown and chewy rather than chestnut brown and crunchy.

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