The Space is a free Christian run cafe which runs from 2-5.30pm every Saturday during term time. We welcome people of every race, religion and background whether you want to join in, in the discussion corner, curl up on some cushions with a good book or crack on with some studying fuelled with free tea and cake!

Sunday 30 October 2011

Chocolate Eclairs

100 g plain flour
150 ml water
75 g butter
3 eggs, whisked 

Double cream whipped
150g dark chocolate
75g butter

Place a small dish of water in the oven to create steam and preheat to 200C. Put the water and butter in a saucepan(yes I know it's weird!), bring to the boil. Take off the heat and sift in the flour, beat it in quickly until the batter comes away from the side easily. Beat in the eggs gradually, this is meant to be a quite liquidy batter. Pipe or blob onto grease proof paper and bake for around 20 mins. Don't open the oven for at least the first 15mins or the pastry will sink!
When crisp and brown remove from the oven and pierce with a sharp knife. When cooled drizzle on the ganache* and fill with whipped cream.
* melt chocolate and butter together in a dish over a pan of bubbling water.

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